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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Lotto Competition 

1. Terms and Conditions 
1.1 The lotto Company. com Ltd. is a company incorporated and registered in United Kingdom. 
We are the Promoter of the Lotto Competitions, not a lottery according to the common meaning of the word, but a Lotto Competition ‘New Style’ – winning requires skill and judgement. So more chances to win. You determine your own chances of winning!  

The Lotto Company. com guarantees that all prizes won will be awarded to the winner. Qualified Lawyers and notaries supervise the determination and announcement of the winner. 

Draws can be attended live or viewed live via the internet.

1.2 How to contact us. 
Entrants can contact us by Phone, writing to us or via email:

1.3 The Lotto Ltd. operate Lotto Competitions - skilled prize competitions resulting in the allocation of prizes- in accordance with these Terms and Conditions at selected locations and events and on the (the 'Website').

1.4 The Lotto Competitions are open to all persons aged 16 and over and the age of majority in their country of residence excluding the following persons who are precluded from buying Lotto Competition tickets: members of The Lotto Company. com Ltd., Board of Directors or the management committee and any member of their immediate family (defined as the person’s spouse and family members residing at the same premises as the person); persons directly engaged in conducting the draw and any member of their immediate family executive staff and their immediate family; information systems staff and their immediate family; and the internal auditors and their immediate family, or any other person who is connected with the creation or administration of our Lotto Competitions. 

1.5 While The Lotto Company. com Ltd. takes care to ensure all information on its Lotto Competition website is correct, it does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and will not be liable for any inaccuracy, omission, variation, or error. Users should make their own enquiries and satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the information and how it may apply to them. Photographs and videos are for illustrative or entertainment purposes only and may not be to scale or depict exact prize detail. Prizes awarded may not be exactly as illustrated. 

1.6 The Promoter may cancel or suspend a Lotto Competition at any time, and for any reason. The Promoter will inform entrants by way of notice on the Website to tell them if it will be cancelling or suspending a Lotto Competition, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency in which case the Lotto Competition will be cancelled or suspended with immediate effect.

1.7 During an ongoing Lotto Competition the promoter is authorized, at all times, to increase or decrease the number of lottery Competition tickets available. All Lotto Competition Tickets sold and paid participate in determining the winner.

1.8 The promoter is authorized, at all times, to increase the number of Lotto Competition tickets available if during a ongoing lottery more lotto Competition tickets are sold, reserved or ordered than the number that the promoter has made available for that Lotto Competition. All Lotto Competition Tickets sold and paid participate in determining the winner.

1.9 If all available tickets are sold out before the closing date of the ongoing Lotto Competition, the promoter is authorized to continue selling additional Lotto Competition tickets until the normal closing date. All Lotto Competition Tickets sold and paid participate in determining the winner.

1.10 There is a limit of 250 tickets per customer, per Lotto Competition. 

1.11 The Lotto Company. com Ltd. guarantees that all prizes won will be awarded to the winner.  Qualified Lawyers and notaries supervise the determination and announcement of the winner. Draws can be attended live or viewed live via the internet.

1.12 If Products that you purchase through this website or our store are custom made, the right of withdrawal is not applicable. The sale is therefore final after succesful payment.

2. Legal Undertaking
2.1 By entering a Lotto Competition the entrant ('Entrant', 'you', 'your(s)') will be deemed to have legal capacity to do so, you will have read, understood and accept these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, you will be bound by them and by any other requirements set out in any related promotional material.

2.2 These Lotto Competitions are governed by English Law and any matters relating to the Lotto Competition will be resolved under English Law and the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

2.3 In the event that you participate in a Lotto Competition online via the Website, and by accepting these Terms and Conditions you confirm that you are not breaching any laws in your country of residence regarding the legality of entering our Lotto Competitions. The Promoter will not be held responsible for any Entrant entering any of our Lotto Competitions unlawfully. 

2.4 All prizes won are legally awarded in United Kingdom and are subject to English law and taxation.  

3. How the Skill Lotto Competitions work.
3.1 All Lotto Competitions require entrants to exercise skill in order to win the prize. Following valid entry to the Lotto Competition, entrants will be asked: To play skill game: Where is the Ball.

3.2 How to Play Where is the Ball
In Where is the Ball you’re supposed to place the middle of the ball into a picture, from which it has been removed. Check on this website: How to Play;

STEP 1: We use a picture as an example where the ball is visible.

STEP 2: Now the ball is removed from the picture and used for the Lotto Competition. 

STEP 3: Your task is now to place the middle of the ball into the picture (adding a cross or ball by clicking on the picture to mark your spot), where you think the middle of the ball should be in the picture, based on what is happening in the picture. You can see your spot's on the screen. The computer will record all your chosen Lotto Ball numbers and playtime on this spot.  
You should pay attention to everything in the picture that might be relevant for deciding where the ball should be. You can always choose to place more balls to increase your chances of winning. It’s very important to keep in mind that the winning ball may not necessarily be anywhere near where the ball was originally in the picture. It’s all about subjectivity and how the judges of this Lotto Competition, with their professional expertise, see the picture and where they think the middle of the ball should be in the picture.

STEP 4: A team of specialized, independent judges will decide, under the supervision of the notary/lawyer, where they think the middle of the ball is. The Jackpot/Grand Prize Winner will be the person who correctly identifies: the Judge's Position, correct numbers and fastest playing time.

It’s very important to keep in mind that the winning ball may not necessarily be anywhere near where the ball was originally in the picture. It’s all about subjectivity and how the judges with their professional expertise see the picture and where they think the middle of the ball should be in the picture.

4. Lotto Competition Entry
4.1 These Lotto Competitions may be entered at our physical sites (locations are detailed on the Website) ('Physical Locations') and online via the Website. There are six categories of Lotto Competitions: Nieuwjaars Lotto | Hallal Lotto | Oudejaars Lotto | Euro Lotto Millions | Studenten Lotto | Amsterdams Lotto.
One or more Lotto Competitions may be operated at the same time and each Lotto Competition will have specific prize options.

4.2 Availability and pricing of Lotto Competitions and tickets is at the discretion of the Promoter and will be specified at the point of sale in our Physical Locations and on the Website.
5+ and 10+ ticket price categories are available in Nieuwjaars Lotto | Hallal Lotto | Oudejaars Lotto | Euro Lotto Millions | Studenten Lotto | Amsterdams Lotto. Pricing will not be applied retrospectively to orders already completed. Credit won will be applied relative to the purchase price of each ticket. 

4.3 "Your Account(s)
In order to enter a Lotto Competition, you will need to register an The Lotto Company. com account with us.
(a) You can register an account in two ways: either online at or in person at one of our Physical Locations.
(i) To register an account online you will be asked to provide an email address or sign in via a social media account, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google (‘Social Media Account’)
(ii) To register an account at a Physical Location you will be asked to provide an email address.

4.4 To enter a Lotto Competition at the Physical Locations, you will need to:
(a) Select the Lotto Competition you wish to enter, purchase your Lotto Competition entr(y)(ies) ('Ticket(s)') through a member of staff at a stand operated by the Promoter and complete an electronic entry form to provide the operator on the stand with your contact details. You will be emailed a receipt with your order details and a link to your registered online account. You will need to check your details carefully and confirm to the Promoter's representative that you have read and understood the declaration and the Lotto Competition Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy;
(b) For each Lotto Competition Ticket that you have purchased, you will need to complete a Where is the Ball challenge on screen, which shall operate as follows:
(I) you will be shown a sporting photograph which will not contain a ball;
(II) using all the information shown in the sporting photograph displayed on the computer screen use your skill and judgement to correctly identify the grid square within which you consider the Judge will decide, is the most likely position for the middle of the ball if one had been present in the image;
(III) click on the screen to mark this spot (you can see your spot's on the screen). The computer will record all your chosen Lotto Ball numbers on this spot as your entry into the Lotto Competition 'Where is the Ball. Please note that when entering you will not be deemed entered into the Lotto Competition until you paid and we confirm your Ticket(s) order back to you by email;
(c) You may repeat the process for the Where is the Ball Competition for as many entries as you wish to make. You will require one Ticket for each entry. 

Online Website Entries
4.5 When playing a Lotto Competition online via the Website, follow the on-screen instructions to:
(a) Select the Lotto Competition(s) you wish to enter, choose your tickets and play the Where is the Ball Competition in accordance with 3.4(b) and (c).
(b) When you are ready to purchase your Ticket(s), provide your contact and payment details. You will need to check your details carefully and tick the declaration at checkout, confirming you have read, understood and agreed to the Lotto Competition Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is a part of this Terms and Conditions;
(c) Once your payment has cleared we will email you to confirm your entry into the Lotto Competition. Please note that when entering online you will not be deemed entered into the Lotto Competition until you paid and we confirm your Ticket(s) order back to you by email.
(d) In the event an order to purchase a ticket is received after the end of the Lotto Competition Period or the draw is sold out, the order will be automatically entered a other running Lotto Competition by Entrant choice. Where tickets are purchased and payment tendered by cheque, that cheque must be received no later than five business days prior to the end of the Lotto Period and must clear prior to the end of the Lotto Period. Where payment tendered by cheque is received less than five business days prior to the end of the Lotto Period, the ticket/s will be issued in a other running Lotto Competition by Entrant choice. 
(e) We do not accept any responsibility for cheques that have not cleared by the cut-off times for the relevant draws, or any cheques or money orders that we do not receive in time for draw. We do not accept any responsibility for any entries not received for any reason during the Lotto Competition period nor do we take any responsibility for lost, late or misdirected entries. We are not responsible for any unforeseen technical difficulties with the ordering process and nor do we warrant the availability of the ordering process. ('Website Entries' together with 'Physical Location Entries', referred to as 'Entr(y)(ies)')

4.6 The Promoter reserves the right to refuse or disqualify any incomplete Entries if it has reasonable grounds for believing that an Entrant has contravened any of these Terms and Conditions.

4.7 To the extent permitted by applicable law, all Entries become our property and will not be returned.

4.8 In the event an order to purchase a ticket is received after the end of the Lotto Competition Period or the draw is sold out, the order will be automatically entered a other running Lotto Competition by Entrant choice. Where tickets are purchased and payment tendered by cheque, that cheque must be received no later than five business days prior to the end of the Lotto Period and must clear prior to the end of the Lotto Period. Where payment tendered by cheque is received less than five business days prior to the end of the Lotto Period, the ticket/s will be issued in a other running Lotto Competition by Entrant choice. 

4.9 We do not accept any responsibility for cheques that have not cleared by the cut-off times for the relevant draws, or any cheques or money orders that we do not receive in time for draw. We do not accept any responsibility for any entries not received for any reason during the Lotto period nor do we take any responsibility for lost, late or misdirected entries. We are not responsible for any unforeseen technical difficulties with the ordering process and nor do we warrant the availability of the ordering process.

4.10 All entries to a Lotto Competition are final and no refunds will be made by the Promoter.

5. Promotion Periods
Each Lotto Competition will run for a specified period. Please see each Lotto Competition for details of start and end times and dates ('Promotion Period(s)').
A Lotto Competition will begin on the Opening Date and end on the Closing Date. The Opening Date and the Closing Date will be specified in the relevant Lotto Competition Notice. The Promoter reserves the right to extend the Closing Date where unavoidable circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control make it necessary.

6. Lotto Competition Judgement
6.1 Lotto Competitions: The position of the middle of the ball will be determined after the close of the Lotto Competition by an independent Panel of Judges (appointed by the Promoter – the 'Judge') using their experience and in the presence of a qualified lawyer or notary and a representative from the Promoter ('Judge's Position').

How it works:

What is a pixel? Every digital image - be it a digital photo or a scanned image - is made up of uniformly colored dots, like a Ministeck image. These so-called pixels, the smallest picture element, can have more than 16 million colors. All devices that record or reproduce digital images work on the basis of these colored dots. All pixels consist of three sub-pixels.

Game photo: WHERE'S THE BAL

A. Each pixel in the photo has a unique sequence of all possible number combinations of 5, 6 or 7 digit numbers. This is the maximum number of participating Lotto balls in the game, including the reserve/bonus ball.

B. Each pixel in the photo is divided into 100-second time zones. Every smallest second has a unique sequence of all possible number combinations of 5, 6 or 7 digit numbers. This is the maximum number of participating Lotto balls in the game, including the reserve/bonus ball.

The system records your lotto numbers and playing time on your chosen location. When determining winners, it is checked how many correct numbers, on the correct place. is recorded. Then the recorded playing time per correct number is checked. The contestant(s) with the most correct numbers in the correct location with the fastest playing time will win prizes.

The Grand Prize/Jackpot winner:

1. If a participant has recorded all the correct numbers in the correct location: this participant is automatically the winner of the Grand prize/Jackpot.

2. If several participants have recorded all correct numbers in the correct location: the participant who recorded the correct numbers in the correct location the fastest wins the Grand prize/Jackpot.

3. If several participants have recorded all the correct numbers in the correct location, at exactly the same fastest time: all these participants will each receive the Grand prize/Jackpot.

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th prize (if applicable):

1. The person who recorded the lotto numbers in the correct location but recorded less than the required number of correct lotto numbers for the Grand prize/Jackpot.

2. Points 1, 2, and 3 of The Grand Prize/Jackpot winner also applies to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th prizes.


6.2 Within 7 days of the end of the respective Lotto Competition, the Judge's Position will be computed against the database of valid spot numbers, entries received by the Promoter.

6.3 The Promoter will attempt to contact Winner(s) using the telephone numbers and email address provided at the time of Entry (or as subsequently updated) and held securely in our database. It is the Entrant's sole responsibility to check and update these details. If for any reason they are taken down incorrectly, the Promoter will not be held responsible. Entrants must carefully check their contact details have been recorded correctly.
6.4 If for any reason the Promoter is unable to contact a Winner within 30 days (which may be extended at the sole discretion of the Promoter) of the end of a Lotto Competition or the Winner fails to confirm acceptance of the prize or the Winner is disqualified as a result of contravening any of these Terms and Conditions, the Winner will forfeit the prize. For the avoidance of doubt once the prize has been forfeited the original Winner will have no further claims against the Promoter.
6.5 The Promoter reserves the right to extend the closing date of any Lotto Competition, if for any reason any aspect of the Lotto Competition is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Lotto Competition. The Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend a Lotto Competition, or invalidate any affected entries. In the event that the Promoter closes a Lotto Competition early, the Winner may be selected from all valid and eligible Entries received by the Promoter prior to the date of closure, except that the Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to close a Lotto Competition early without selecting a Winner. In the event that a Lotto Competition is closed without selecting a Winner, the Promoter will give all entrants Credit to enable them to replay equivalent tickets in a subsequent Lotto Competition.
6.6 All Entrants are automatically entered onto the Promoter's database for the purpose of conveying information as to the status of their Lotto Competition, as well as any future Promotions or Lotto Competitions offered by the Promoter.
6.7 The Promoters decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the result.

7. Winner's Details
7.1 The winner shall be notified by e-mail or by telephone (via the e-mail address or the telephone number provided as part of the Property Competition entry) within two (2) days of the draw having been made.
7.2 The Winners will be required to send a copy of their passport to the Promoter to confirm their identity, age and also a prove of payment of the ticket and if the purchase was made by credit card, that the card was legally theirs or that they had authorization to use it, before any prize will be paid or delivered. Any failure to meet these obligations may result in the Winner being disqualified and the Promoter choosing an alternate winner. The winner will be required to attend at the offices of nominated solicitors by appointment and will need to produce a valid passport to prove their identity and will then sign a transfer document.
The Prize will be transferred taxfree to the Winner, according to Britisch law. The winner is responsible for taxes, fees, costs and expenses which are not expressly specified in these terms.
7.3 All Winners will also be required to provide photographs and/or pose for photographs and videos, which may be used in future marketing and public relations by the Promoter in connection with the Lotto Competition and in identifying them as a winner of a Lotto Competition.
7.4 Following receipt and verification of the details requested above by the Promoter, the Winners will be contacted in order to make arrangements for delivery of the prize. 
7.5 Lotto Competition prizes are only transferrable to the winner. Lotto Competition winners may be required by The Lotto Company. com Ltd. to travel to its Headquarter to claim the Skill Lotto prize and effect handover of the prize. The cost and expense associated with any travel to the Headquarter are to be borne by the winner.  
7.6 The winner shall sign all such documentation required by the Promoter to transfer the Prize to the winner within thirty (30) days of the prize draw. The actual delivery of prizes may take place more than thirty (30) days after the prize draw. 

8. Lotto Competition Prizes
Please also note the following:
(a) During the course of a Lotto Competition, if due to circumstances beyond the Promoter's control, the Promoter is unable to provide the stated Prize, the Promoter reserves the right to award a other Prize. 
(b) The Promoter reserves the right to end the Lotto Competition if it proves to be unviable, in which case an Alternative Prize will be offered.
(c) The Promoter reserves the right not to deliver to certain countries. Please note that not all our Prizes, if exported, may be legal in the destination country. It is the Prize Winner's responsibility to check this and choose an alternative Prize.


9. Winners' Personal Data
9.1 Acceptance of the prize by the Winner will mean they are required to have their photo and video taken by the Promoter for promotional purposes, (Public Relations and Marketing), both immediately after their win and in the future.
9.2 By entering a Lotto Competition, you agree to the use of your name, address, and/or photograph or other likeness, as well as your appearance at publicity events without any additional compensation and as required by the Promoter if you are declared a Winner.

10. Warranties
10.1The Promoter makes no representations or warranties as to the quality/suitability of any of the goods or services offered as prizes. The Promoter shall not be liable for any loss suffered or sustained to person or property including, but not limited to, consequential (including economic) loss by reason of any act or omission by the Promoter, or its servants or agents, in connection with the arrangement for supply, or the supply, of any goods by any person to the prize Winner(s) and, where applicable, to any family/persons accompanying the Winner(s), or in connection with any of the Lotto Competitions promoted by the Promoter.
10.2 We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature however occasioned to any person by, through or in connection with The Lotto Company. com (including but not limited to direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage or personal injury).  We will not be liable to you or any winner for any financial consequences (including but not limited to any taxation liability (such as land tax or transfer duty) and/ or levy that may accrue to you or a winner, impact upon eligibility for or receipt of any pension, benefit allowance, superannuation or similar entitlement or any additional legal or other fees, including insurances on or after the transfer of any property) to you or the winner as a result of winning a prize. 

11. Electronic Communications
11.1 No responsibility will be accepted for failed, partial or garbled computer transmissions, for any computer, telephone, cable, network, electronic or internet hardware or software malfunctions, failures, connections, availability, for the acts or omissions of any service provider, internet accessibility
or availability or for traffic congestion or unauthorized human act, including any errors or mistakes. The Promoter shall use its best endeavours to award the prize for a Lotto Competition to the correct Entrant. If due to reasons of hardware, software or other computer related failure, or due to human error the prize is awarded incorrectly, the Promoter reserves the right to reclaim the Lotto Competition prize and award it to the correct Entrant, at its sole discretion and without admission of liability.
11.2 The Lotto Company. com Ltd. is not responsible for any entry not received by it during the Lotto Competition Period regardless of the reason. Entries will be deemed to be accepted at the time of receipt and not at the time of transmission. No responsibility will be taken for lost tickets, late or misdirected entries. The Lotto Company. com Ltd. is not responsible for technical difficulties with the entry mechanism and does not warrant that the entry mechanism will be available at all times. 
11.3 The Promoter reserves the right to extend the closing date of any Lotto Competition, if for any reason any aspect of the Lotto Competition is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Lotto Competition. The Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend a Lotto Competition, or invalidate any affected entries. In the event that the Promoter closes a Lotto Competition early, the Winner may be selected from all valid and eligible Entries received by the Promoter prior to the date of closure, except that the Promoter reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to close a Lotto Competition early without selecting a Winner. In the event that a Lotto Competition is closed without selecting a Winner, the Promoter will give all entrants will be to enabled to replay equivalent tickets in a subsequent Lotto Competition of The Lotto Company Ltd.
11.4 The Promoter shall not be liable for any economic or other consequential loss suffered or sustained to any persons to whom an award has been incorrectly made, and no compensation shall be due. The Promoter shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the software and website(s) used to operate its Lotto Competitions perform correctly and accurately across the latest versions of popular internet, tablet and mobile browsers. For the avoidance of doubt, only the ticket Ball Numbers recorded in our systems, howsoever displayed or calculated, shall be entered into the relevant Lotto Competition and the Promoter shall not be held liable for any Lotto Competition entries that occur as a result of malfunctioning software or other event. Lotto Competition Numbers may be checked at any time by accessing your account.
11.5 We use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that information on this website is correct but we do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information provided and will not be held liable for any inaccuracy, omission, variation or error. All photographs and videos are for illustrative purposes only and may not be to scale or depict exact prize detail or size.  
11.6 The Promoter will use all reasonable endeavours to source and award the products featured in the Prize. If, however, any product is not available after the Closing Date the Promoter shall promptly inform the winner and the winner will instead be awarded the cash value of the unavailable product.
11.7 If the Promoter does not spend the entire amount allocated to the prize awarded to the winner, (for example, if the Prize includes a car to the value of € 15,000 and the cost of the car is € 14, 000) the remaining amount will not be given to the winner in cash.
11.8 If there is any material increase in the price of a product comprised in the Prize between the Opening Date and the Closing Date, the Promoter will endeavour to source the same product from a different supplier at or as close as possible to the original price. If the Promoter is unable to do so, the Promoter may award instead the winner the cash value of the original product price.
11.9 If any prize is defective or damaged through no fault of the winner, the winner should contact the supplier or manufacturer directly for the repair or replacement of the defective or damaged item.

12. Data Protection Notice
12.1 Any personal data that you supply to the Promoter or authorize the Promoter to obtain from a third party, for example, a credit card company, will be used by the Promoter to administer the Lotto Competition and fulfil prizes where applicable. In order to process, record and use your personal data the Promoter may disclose it to: 
(I) any credit card company whose name you give; 
(II) any person to whom the Promoter proposes to transfer any of the Promoter's rights and/or responsibilities under any agreement the Promoter may have with you; 
(III) any person to whom the Promoter proposes to transfer its business or any part of it; 
(iv) comply with any legal or regulatory requirement of the Promoter in any country; and 
(v) prevent, detect or prosecute fraud and other crime. In order to process, use, record and disclose your personal data the Promoter may need to transfer such information outside to other countries, in which event the Promoter is responsible for ensuring that your personal data continues to be adequately protected during the course of such transfer.

13. Changes to Terms and Conditions
13.1 We reserve the right to modify this Terms and Conditions at any time and for any reason, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.
13.2 The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify an entrant if they are not eligible or if they have failed to comply in any way with these terms and Conditions. If an entrant is disqualified, the Promoter will send an email to the e-mail address provided to the Promoter advising them of the fact of disqualification and the reason for disqualification. 
13.3 In the event of any dispute regarding these Terms and Conditions (including Lotto Competition Notice), the conduct of, the result of and all other matters relating to, the Lotto Competition, the Promoter’s decision shall be final and binding and no further correspondence or discussion shall be entered into.
13.4 Each of the paragraphs of these Terms and Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
13.5 These Terms and Conditions are between each entrant and the Promoter. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of these terms. 

14. Trade Mark
Our trade marks " The Lotto Company | Nieuwjaars Lotto | Hallal Lotto | Oudejaars Lotto | Euro Lotto Millions | Studenten Lotto | Amsterdams Lotto. are trademarks of The Lotto Company. com Ltd. You are not permitted to use it without our approval.